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Managing long-term financial affairs                                                                                     Read the Vesta Principles of Financial Management

  • Managing Investments
    Develop and implement an investment policy to allocate your investment funds among several "classes" of equity and  fixed income assets (i.e. stocks and bonds) in light of your personal resources, objectives, and capacity and tolerance for risk.  This process will play the most significant part in achieving your long-term investment goals.  We recommend the use of cost-effective, index mutual funds as much as possible to maximize your net investment return.

    Track investments, maturity dates and monitor return on investment compared with expectations.  Review implications of actual returns differing from expected returns for spending and other long-term decisions. Quarterly monitoring reports help ensure that your investments are performing as expected relative to other investment alternatives.

  • Budgeting and Forecasting
    Budget monthly income and expenses each year and compare with actual results.  We can forecast investment returns based on your capital allocation and historical experience and review implications for spending and long-term planning.  We can also help you forecast the implications of significant purchases or changes in life styles.

Managing day-to-day financial affairs

  • Paying Bills
    Your Personal Financial Manager will arrange for review, approval and timely payment of your bills -- telephone, utilities, medical, etc. -- from your checking account, so you don't need to bother with monthly check writing.  Your checkbook will always be in balance -- no more late payments or the risk of a bounced check or late fee.  Your credit rating will be more secure. 
  • Collecting and Depositing Investment and Other Income
    Your income from Social Security, pensions, investments and other sources can be directed to your checking account. We will ensure that all expected income is received and deposited correctly, and your monthly reporting will reflect all income received (such as CD or bond interest, dividends, and so on) on one consolidated report so you're kept up-to-date on your finances.  Proper care of these documents will reduce the chance of identity theft or financial fraud.
  • Organizing All Important Financial Documents
    We will make sure that you have identified your most essential financial documents and have organized them in an easy-to-locate manner.  These can include credit cards & records, home and vehicle ownership records, personal insurance policies, social security statements, investments, estate planning documents, tax records and other personal documents.  Proper care of these documents will reduce the chance of identity theft or financial fraud.

  • Payroll Tax Compliance
    If you have personal health-care aides or other domestic workers, we can calculate withholding and ensure timely payment and reporting of the so-called "nanny tax".

  • Tax Preparation
    We can prepare your tax return through an affiliated professional tax preparer or we will organize all information for your own tax preparer. Further we can arrange for the payment of your quarterly tax installments and providing easy-to-read, consolidated tax reporting.

  • Regular Reporting
    We will keep you informed of all investments and the flow of your income and expenses with regular reports of all of financial activities.  You (and any family members or other persons that you designate) will receive comprehensive monthly reporting of all income and expenses.  Further, all investments and liabilities can be reported on a consolidated basis even if they're at different brokerages or banks.

  • Trustee Services
    If you have created a trust to safeguard and manage your assets, we can help you with comprehensive reporting and ensuring that the trust performs its intended purpose and serves the interests of the beneficiaries.  

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