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Benefits of Outsourcing
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Benefits of Outsourcing the CFO Function

  • Cost Effectiveness. Qualified, experienced, small-company CFOs command $75,000 to $150,000/year plus benefits in the market. A part-time CFO can often be hired for less total cost and may still offer the greater proportion of value.
  • Buy just what you need. Use the part-time CFO who is demonstrably capable of handling your specific current needs for either a project or a specified period of time and keep your options open for the future.
  • Avoid making the "first-time CFO mistake". Learn how the relationship between you and your CFO can work without taking the unnecessary risk of making a long-term commitment. The part-time CFO relationship can easily be ended when appropriate without severance costs or the risk of a wrongful termination suit.
  • Avoid missed opportunities and value. If you wait to be able to justify a full-time CFO, you will have missed value in the meantime. This could result in 1) less effective financing negotiations due to credibility problems with lenders or investors, 2) limits on profitable growth due to lack of financial and operational controls, 3) undervaluation of your firm in the future due to inadequate financial planning today.
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