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You now have an estimate of the target annual income that your financial assets must produce as well as the length of time (time horizon) for which you will need income.
All that remains to complete your investment policy is to determine whether there is an asset allocation strategy (NOT YET DEFINED) that has an acceptable probability of achieving your target income (withdrawal) and savings goals, within the risk limits you set. If there is not, then you must change your goals, spend less or increase the amount of risk you are willing to take.
Risk, as perceived by most persons,[ in its basic interpretation], is the magnitude and probability of volatility [variations?] in investment returns (or income) over a period of time. More to the point:: "How much can I lose and what's the likelihood of me losing it?" Once again, our focus on a definition of investment income as total return means that we need to be concerned with changes in the value of an investment as well as variable earnings from interest and dividends. Thus, two investments may have the same average return but greatly different annual returns and thus risk......{}
[Most persons intuitively understand and can appreciate this characterization of risk when considering CASH VS STOCK??][Bernstein Intro is good on this]
Risk is actually comprised of several varieties [and reasons, etc., credit, interest rate, inflation, systematic, ]. [SIDEBAR HERE?]
The end product -- an investment policy statement -- will be expressed as an allocation to the various classes of financial assets. Exactly what is a class?? [SOME KIND OF CHART w/ categories and subcaregories, Win]
NOTE: I've also got this under OVERVIEW
NOTE: Our position -- We can't teach / don't want to teach investments, BUT academic research/scholars have concluded that.... Diversification, allocation.
[DROP BELOW -- TOO MUCH DETAIL?] - BUT REVIEW ANYWAY. PERHAPS USE AS COMMENT PAGE FROM INVESTMENT POLICY AND IRSK? --- Second, the way we approach this is different from some of the other studies you may have read. The simple fact of the matter is that there is no clearly superior way to approach post-retirement investing issues. Let's briefly look at some other approaches. One starts with your risk tolerance, and uses it to calculate your "optimal" asset allocation. Based on your relative preference for income versus leaving a bequest, it then divides your assets between annuities (both fixed rate and variable) and an investment portfolio that holds a range of asset classes. The higher your preference for current income, the greater your allocation to annuities. Our problem with this approach is that in real life, things don't usually work this way. In our experience, people start with their current savings and an uncertain estimate of their future needs (e.g., will I or won't I need long-term care?) and their expected life. Using these they derive the asset allocation that will maximize the probability of achieving their income and savings goals. If this probability isn't high enough to make them comfortable, they then evaluate a range of other options (e.g., work part-time, reduce bequest, reduce income, etc.). In addition, in our experience, people's preference for annuities also depends on the current state of their health, as well as their preference for income relative to savings and bequests. Someone who doesn't expect to live very long tends to have a much lower preference for annuitization than this approach assumes. Another approach to
post-retirement investing assumes a fixed time period (say, 30 years), and
asset allocation (say, 50% to domestic equities, and 50% to domestic
bonds), and then estimates the maximum percent of the portfolio's value
that can be withdrawn each year and still produce a 95% chance that
something still will be left at the end of the period. To save you the
trouble of reading them, we'll tell you the answer usually given by
studies that use this approach: about 4.0% to 4.5% (see, for example,
"Retirement Savings: Choosing a Withdrawal Rate That is Sustainable" by
Cooley, Hubbard, and Walz, or "Making Retirement Income Last a Lifetime"
by Ameriks, Veres, and Warshawsky). From our perspective, this approach
has a number of shortcomings. First, its maximum time period (usually
thirty years) is probably too short, given retirees' healthier lifestyles
and increased life expectancy. Second, it fails to include precautionary
savings and bequest goals. Third, with only a couple of exceptions,
studies using this approach fail to include the impact of partially
annuitizing one's savings. Fourth, they use too few asset classes, and
fail to consider the potential benefit from greater diversification.
Fifth, their calculations are based only on historical asset class
returns, rather than a more informative mix of historical and
forward-looking estimates. Sixth, they fail to address another critical
issue: whether to implement their proposed strategies using index funds,
actively managed funds, or direct security holdings. And seventh, they
usually ignore potentially important tax
issues. In contrast, we take the
approach used by many university endowment funds. We start with the goals
you want to achieve, the funds you have available, and the risk limits you
would like to set. Then, given our expectation for future asset class
returns, we determine the asset allocation that best meets your goals. If
this isn't possible, we help you to understand the impact of changes to
your income and savings goals, your annuitization decisions, and your risk
limits, and to make informed trade-offs between
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